Just as man cannot stay in isolation, similarly a start-up or any business for that matter cannot stay cooped in a well and think about prospering. Just as man needs to have friends and relationships to sustain him/her, to live
Major failure points faced by Start-Ups

Starting a start-up, is fine. One needs to open a company, have it registered and start the engine. If all the parameters are safe and well maintained, it will be a smooth ride, else the engine will sputter and soon
Essentials of an Investor?

In today’s Start-Up Ecosystem, a viable idea alone does not ensure the success of a new venture. The idea, howsoever bright it might be, most importantly needs funds for sustenance. The entrepreneur might take loans from his family and well-wishers
Why Incubate?

Every new born, is equally important to the parents as well as the medical facility where the miracle takes place. If the newbie requires any medical care, they are placed in an incubator and attended to with motherly attention, till
What an Idea!

Humans have been earning to maintain their family and themselves, since time immemorial. One may sustain himself either by wages or through profits. India has always been a nation of profits and traded with the ancient Sumerians and Mesopotamians in
Why Innovation

Innovation is derived from the word Innovate, i.e. re- engineer to a newer product/service or design something completely brand new.For a re-engineered innovation the product/service has to be significantly cheaper, significantly easier to operate, significantly altered with more qualities
The Journey Man

Every human born has a specific purpose, a predestined path to tread on. This journey to discover the purpose or the self, at times also re-discover is called “Life”.Life as we know it is full of surprises and special moments,